Talent Keywords: Advanced Search Directory View All Listings Add Listing Actors/Actresses (45)Voice Over Actor (4)Writers/Directors (7)#0-9ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZSort By:Default Listing Title Short Description Address ZIP Code 1st Look Films – Oscar Rivas 1st Look Films – Oscar Rivas Listing Category Talent http://www.1stlookfilms.com Adam Seely Adam Seely Listing Category Actors/Actresses, Talent, Writers/Directors Aimee Phelan-Deconinick Aimee Phelan-Deconinick Listing Category Actors/Actresses, Talent Actress-AEA AimeeDeconinck.icanvoice.com Aletha Pape Aletha Pape Listing Category Crew, Production Assistant, Talent, Writers/Directors Freelance/Script Writer/Blog Writer and more Andrea Cordaro Andrea Cordaro Listing Category Actors/Actresses, Talent AEA Represented by Tsu Tsu Stanton TsuTsu007@gmail.com I 212.989.3424 IMDb Andrew Romulo Andrew Romulo Listing Category 1st Assistant Camera, Cinematographer, Crew, Talent Eventrix Productions was founded by Andrew Romulo in 2005. His journey into the production industry began right out of high school working as an intern at the world famous Rainbow Room. www.andwithcreative.com Andrew Schmidt Andrew Schmidt Listing Category Crew, Editor, Production Assistant, Talent, Writers/Directors www.linkedin.com/pub/andrew-schmidt/4b/384/b90 Anthony Pepe Anthony Pepe Listing Category Production Services, Talent PepeFx, a professional makeup studio based in New York, is capable of fulfilling any of your makeup needs. www.pepefx.com Anthony Puglia Anthony Puglia Listing Category Talent, Writers/Directors facebook.com/pugliaent Antonio Rotundo Antonio Rotundo Listing Category Actors/Actresses, Talent Non-union; Actor. Based in the Hudson Valley, New York. Ariana Rodriguez Ariana Rodriguez Listing Category Actors/Actresses, Talent Actress Bernie Wasserman Bernie Wasserman Listing Category Actors/Actresses, Talent Acting, writing, voice over, more Billie R. Garcia Billie R. Garcia Listing Category Actors/Actresses, Talent, Voice Over Actor Actress, Voice-over Artist revolutionizeselling.com Bob Benjamin Bob Benjamin Listing Category Talent, Voice Over Actor www.robertbenjaminvoiceover.com Cassandra Saulter Cassandra Saulter Listing Category Crew, Make-up Artist, Talent Emmy nominated makeup artist for movies, TV, and stage. instagram.com/cassandrasaultermakeup Chris Knasiak Chris Knasiak Listing Category Supportive Services, Talent 30 plus years experience as a documentary DP. Christian Frahme Christian Frahme Listing Category Actors/Actresses, Talent Photography, film/video production, graphic design www.christianfrahme.webs.com Christopher Washington Christopher Washington Listing Category Production Services, Talent Grip and Electrical Department christopherjwashington.wordpress.com Chuck Muckle Chuck Muckle Listing Category Actors/Actresses, Talent Experienced Actor CJ Phillips CJ Phillips Listing Category Actors/Actresses, Talent Actor Constance Klosterman Constance Klosterman Listing Category Actors/Actresses, Talent Model, special fx/makeup artist, film/video editor, actress, more. Dannielle Rose Dannielle Rose Listing Category Actors/Actresses, Talent, Voice Over Actor Voice-over/precision driving Diana Greenhunt Diana Greenhunt Listing Category Actors/Actresses, Talent Actress Dorothea Swiac Dorothea Swiac Listing Category Actors/Actresses, Talent Actress www.imdb.com Edward Roy Edward Roy Listing Category Post Production, Production Services, Supportive Services, Talent Film/video producer/director j6mediaworks.com Next →